Entries from 2020-03-01 to 1 month

San Francisco Sheltered-in Life Day 13

It's Day 13 of San Francisco Sheltered-in order. When it was started, I woke up around 6:30am and slept aroung 11pm or so out of habit. After my mom in Japan moved to ICU last week, my life style has shifted even more. I talk to my sister …

San Francosco Sheltered-in Life Day12

It's Day12 of San Francisco Sheltered-in order. At day1 my fridge broke for the worst timing ever...but finally, I got new fridge! Yaaaaaay!!! I was so happy ... and yes lots of fresh foods now. How nice that is! I appreciate these little …

New page

Blogging and Doodling are very good distractions for sheltered-in life. I created the new blog page to separate English and Japanese pages. This blog will remain in English from here on and the new one will be in Japanese. It'll be easier …

San Francisco Sheltered-in Life Day9

It's Day 9 of San Francisco Sheltered-in order. My family living in Japan are affected by Corona as well. My mom is in the hospital since last October and she is now in ICU. My sister visits her everyday. At this point, because of the mask…

サンフランシスコ自宅待機生活9日目 郵便事情

サンフランシスコ自宅待機生活9日目に入りました。日本にいる私の母は10月から入院していて入院生活も6か月目。今はICUにいるので姉がほぼ毎日病院に行ってくれているのですが 病院もマスク不足で入院訪問者はマスク持参、もしマスクがない場合は病院に入…

Bambi aromatherapy and Sheltered-in order Day 8

It's Day 8 of San Francisco Sheltered-in order. This new "stay in" life started last Tuesday and so many unexpected things had happened (broken fridge on day1 and struggling with depression and more). It has not been the easiest ride so fa…


サンフランシスコ自宅待機生活8日目に入りました。先週の火曜日からはじまって 1週間長かったようなあっという間だったような・・・。自宅待機生活がはじまってから様々なことが次々に起こって(冷蔵庫が壊れたり、メンタルがダメダメになったり)もがきな…

San Francisco Sheltered-in order Day7 Life with my Bambi

It's Day 7 of San Francisco sheltered-in order. Bambi is the happiest ever been in her life... I am home all day everyday. Her dream came true! More walk, more food, more belly rubs and lots of kisses! Her favorite spot is in my arms or on…

サンフランシスコ自宅待機生活7日目 犬との生活


Day 6 San Francisco Sheltered in Life

It's Day 6 of San Francisco Sheltered-in order. It was a really beautiful Sunday so we (Bambi, Bambi's papa and I) went to Marina where is about 20~30 minutes drive from San Francisco. It's a very quiet and peaceful spot where Bambi goes t…

サンフランシスコ自宅待機生活6日目 メンタルケア

サンフランシスコ自宅待機生活6日目。今日はぴかぴかのお天気の日曜日だったので ばんびとばんびパパとマリーナでお散歩。ここのマリーナはサンフランシスコから車で20~30分くらいのところにある 普段はほとんど人も犬もいない場所で前に書いたぶろぐ…

Bras or No Bras? SF Stay-Home Life Day5

It's day5 of San Francisco sheltered-in order. Since taking a walk is not restricted (as long as keeping the social distance), we (Bambi, Bambi's papa and I) went for a long walk at Marina...and I wore bras for the first time since Tuesday…

ブラ派?ノーブラ派? サンフランシスコ自宅待機生活5日目

サンフランシスコ外出禁止(自宅待機政策)5日目に入りました。基本的なルールは 不要不急な外出以外は禁止、なのですが散歩は群れない限りオッケーです。今日は土曜日でとても天気が良かったので久しぶりにちょっと遠出でばんびとばんびパパとマリーナへお…

My boss baby

It's day 4 of San Francisco sheltered in home life. My bambi is getting really serious about her "baby boss" work. Everytime I go to the bathroom or other room, I have to ask her or carry her ... otherwise... Don't Gooooo!!! Yep, this happ…


サンフランスコ自宅待機政策(不要不急の外出禁止)4日目に入りました。ばんびのボスぶりは日に日に磨きがかかっています。トイレに行くのも 他の部屋を片付けに行くのも ボスにお伺いをたてないと・・・こうなります。 行くなああああ!!! 異常事態を察…

Birthday Everyday

For Corona prevention, I started to wash my hands very often for the last couple weeks. I am now wondering if my hands will survive until Corona craziness is gone. They are already super freaking DRY...I mean...bye bye fingerprint level dr…


コロナの一番の対策は手洗いなので この数週間は毎日何回も何回も手洗いをしてコロナでは生き残れても手の皮が・・・生き残れるのか?っというジレンマ。ガッサガサになってきています。ガッサガサの手を舐め続けるばんび(ばんびは舐めれば治ると信じる派)…

Bye bye my dear fridge... Stay-home life Day2

OMG!!! My day 1 stay-home life was started yesterday and my fridge broke yesterday with tons of foods inside. WHY? why NOW? Of course, we bought lots of fresh and frozen foods for next few weeks. My fridge is small but we (I live with Bamb…


ぎゃー!!! 昨日からはじまった自宅待機政策 一日目にして冷蔵庫が壊れました・・・。このタイミングで! 非常事態の対策で買った食料もたんまり冷蔵庫にあるし(冷凍庫も)小さい冷蔵庫とはいえ 一日では食べきれないし 出来るだけ開けないようにして 腐…

Pacnic Buying and Stay Home Life Day1

Today is stay-home life day 1 for San Francisco residents. All non essential business is closed (and my petsitting work is all cancelled) until 4/7. Could everyone get essentials for the time being? It was so crazy panic buying last weeken…


今日からサンフランシスコは非常事態以外は自宅待機が始まりました。4月7日まで続きます。ビジネスも必要最小限(不可欠)な仕事以外はすべてクローズで 私の仕事も全部キャンセル(ペットシッター)となりました。この発表は昨日出たのですが 米疫病管理セ…

Cure All ?

I am really sad and depressed from Moo's sudden leaving (I wrote yesterday's blog) and news from SF government emergency services ordering to shelter at home until 4/7 which leads to all my job cancellations (that means zero income for ind…


昨日の記事で書きましたがムーの突然の旅立ち、それからコロナのサンフランシスコ緊急対策で仕事が少なくとも4/7までは全キャンセルになり(私はフリーランスなので収入ゼロになります)。悲しみと不安でいっぱいです。 悲しみ 週末に買い物を終わらせていた…

Doggie heaven

My favorite bulldog Moo went to doggie heaven yesterday. She hasn't been in my Bambi blog yet but I've known her for 8 years and I walked her almost everyday (I was her petsitter). Moo's dad warned me it might happen since she is already 1…


ばんびブログにはまだ登場していなかったけれど 私の大好きなムー(ブルドッグ)が昨日虹の彼方に旅立ちました。ムーと初めて出会ってから約8年、ほぼ毎日お散歩していました。(ペットシッターの仕事をしています)最後の最後まで笑わせてくれたムー。14…

Rainy playdate

Bambi goes on play date with my friend's silky terrier Ellie every week. They go for a long walk together and eat some yummy "special" treats. Yes it's a really fun day for pups. But...today was raining... wet pups Oh poor Bambi was so mis…


ばんびは週末に友達のシルキーテリアのエリーとプレイデイトします。一緒にお散歩して おやつを食べて、というとても楽しい日なんだけれど 今週は雨・・・。 ぬれネズミ達 ばんびのテンション低っ! 笑えるほどに低かった。世の中暗いニュースばかりですが …

Foodie pup Bambi

My Chihuahua Bambi is a foodie and she has zero interest for "dog cookies". Sadly, dog cookie line-up is ignored every time. Bambi is such a picky eater... no interest what's so ever for her cookie line-up #chihuahua #pickyeater #instadog…


我が家の大事なちわわのばんび姫、そうお姫様 なのでとってもグルメ。犬用クッキーにはいっさい反応してくれません。それこそ 色々と試しているのですが どれもお気に召さないらしく まるまるっと無視です。 Bambi is such a picky eater... no interest wha…

Bambi and her super peanut brain

My tiny Bambi (Chihuahua) is very smart. I think she is the smartest pup ever! I know I am crazy chihuahua mom and super biased but I always wonder what's going on inside her tiny peanut size brain. I don't usually put any make up on at ho…