6 weeks of Keto

It's been 6 weeks since I started Ketogenic life style.  At my 5th week, I lost 1lb but I gained 1 lb last week...which is no change for weight wise. (Here is the link → for my 1st week, my 2nd week, my 3rd week, my 4th week. and my 5th week.)  No change in my weight but I wasn't feeling so great last week. I couldn't sleep, felt fatigue all the time, headache and constipation...yuck!  It's all related.  Because I couldn't sleep, I was so tired. Lack of sleep and fatigue caused my headache and constipation. I had cravings for junk food, too (I didn't cave though!).


Keto 6th week

I guess my hormones were wacky and went crazy.  I was off and felt down.  However, keto food was delicious and I enjoyed challenging new recipes as well.  Because last weekend was father's day, I baked cheese cake for the occasion.↓  I used a new recipe and of course it was no sugar low carb "keto" cheese cake.  It was delicious and non-keto Bambi papa was so impressed.  He said that this tasted like the real thing and it was the best keto dessert I made so far.  I agreed with him, too.  I will make it again for sure!


Other new recipe was chocolate chip keto chaffle (keto version of waffle) ↓.  Even with old recipes, I always change or add some ingriedient to make my food more varied and fun.   


I also got some keto snack and dessert from Costco, too ↓  My junk food cravings are somewhat satisfied with seaweed crunch and keto ice cream bar.  They are so yum!  I found Keto icecream bar on YouTube video but it was sold out when I went to Costco.  My friend found them the next day and got them for me.  Keto is so popular!  It's great that lots of people are doing ketogenic life style.  That way, I can find keto friendly food easier.  


Hopefully, I can sleep better this week.  It must be the key to stabilizing my hormone balance.  Bambi (chihuahua) is always sleeping...(more than) enough for sure.  I envy Bambi for her great sleep and big poops!  




I sleep 15 hours or more everyday easy!