Mask situation

It's been a while wearing mask or covering face became mandatory in San Francisco.  I tried to make handmade masks before but my handmade masks were iffy.  So I didn't make any more after that.  But, my friend made some masks for me and Bambi's papa↓.  She is so talented and made us 3D masks with pocket for filter insert.  They are so pretty, too 💛


masks masks masks!

Mine are dog/kitty print and Bambi's papa's are 49ERS and SF Giants ↑.  They are so perfect!  So grateful for that.  I found some disposable masks at Costco as well.  It was 2 boxes per customer (limit).  I bought 2 (1 for me and 1 for my friend).  Finally, there are no more worries for mask shortage for now.  I can pick and choose what to wear.  How luxurious!  


cute masks

Before the pandemic, unlike Japan I hardly saw any people wearing masks in San Francisco.  I noticed that people who were wearing masks get "strange" look from strangers...but now things have changed.  The opposite is happening... people who are NOT wearing masks get that look by strangers.  COVID-19 is still spreading.  We can now easily get masks so wear them and defend yourself and others against infections!  




Mama...mask is very hot in summer...