Day 35th of San Francisco Shelter in Life and Hand-made mask

It's Day 35th of San Francisco Shelter in Place order.  My project today was the most popular all over the world now ... hand-made mask!  I don't have any special materials so I am gonna use just to cover my face when I am walking my Bambi (chihuahua).  It's washable (reuseable) so I will try it out.


hand-made mask challenge

I used mini hand-towl.  The one with bear (Kuma-mon) is one side gauze and the other side is towel.  This material was pretty good for mask.  It's thick enough and easy to work with as well as pretty comfy to wear.  The snoopy one is towel.  It was too thick.  I couldn't make gathers with that material.  It's comfy but I am not sure if it works.


something I found at home

I didn't have rubber bands so I cut my stockings for that.  Actually, these are more comfortable than actual rubber bands.  I don't know the durability but it doesn't hurt my ears! 


My first hand-made masks ♪

Bambi is not interested in my very first hand-made masks!  I am gonna try this mask tomorrow.  San Francisco mandatory face covering will start tomorrow (4/22).  






Night night mama!