Day 61 of San Francisco Shelter in Life

It's Day 61 of San Francisco Shelter in Place order.  My Bambi (Chihuahua) is working the hardest as my emotional support doggie everyday.  I know all furry family is doing the same especially during stay-home life!  Doggies, kitties, bunnies...any furry, warm and cuddly ones are the BEST!  


"Happiness is a warm puppy 💛" by Charles Schulz

I love my Bambi so much and I doodle her, take her pictures everyday... so I didn't know why I didn't notice ... her white face is the shape of a heart ♡ until I got a comment on my Instagram "I love how her face is a little heart ♡”  Now everytime I see her face I see her heart face.  How sweet ♡


💛 Face 💛

See?  Her face is getting whiter ...but who knew her white hair becomes a heart ♡  It's just too crazy cute!!  

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Hugs comes with kisses♥♥♥