Day 80 of San Francisco Shelter in Life

It's Day 80 of San Francisco Shelter in Place order.  It's been 80 days since grooming salons are closed...I heard many pups's fur are out of control!  Many fur babies' parents got challenged to do home grooming for them.  My Bambi's (chihuahua) hair doesn't grow or rarely sheds!  She is such a perfect pup for us.  We never had to take her to the groomers except for her nail trimming .  She doesn't need to take showers often but I do clean her eye boogers everyday.


eye boogers

I don't use anything fancy or special tools for this.  I use a cotton ball with warm water and wipe her eyes gently.  ←This is very important.  If I don't, Bambi bites the annoying cotton ball !!!  Sometimes it is challenging since her eye boogers can be very crusty.  She used to be very patient but as she gets older, she becomes more impatient.  I like to clean her eyes so it's dissapointing.

Even when Bambi bites her cotton balls, there is no harm done.  It's just a cotton ball and warm water.  She usually licks my finger right after she bites the cotton ball.  It's her warning, followed by her apology.  Luckily, Bambi is so tiny and her teeth is the size of rice grains so I never have to worry about this old girl's bites!  




I fought with a cotton monster!