Day 98 of San Francisco Shelter in Life

It's Day 98 of San Francisco Shelter in Place order.  The shelter in place order in San Francisco is relaxing now so I am not sure counting days are necessary?  Maybe I will stop counting at day 100. Today's blog is also about overnight dogsitting Chief and Shirley. During sleepovers, my favorite time is the evening relaxing time!   


love love ♥♥♥

Yes, they are big doggies (labrador) so they are not lap dogs...but they are lap dog wanna bes!  So funny!  Whenever I sit and watch TV, one of them tries to sit or lie on my lap.  Then, the other one tries to butt in.  Shirley especially is the jealous one.  She literally chews on Chief when Chief is on me.  Super funny and cute!  My dream living with big doggies came true with my job.

Chief is on my lap... and Shirley is super jelous 😆😆😆 I am very popular here 🥰 #sleepover #labradorretriever #twodoggies #instadogs #dogsofinstagram #いぬ  #ラブラドール  #兄妹  #お泊まり  #インスタドッグ #サンフランシスコ

Chief is babying ... and jealous Shirley is chewing Chief ↑.  Look at Chief's face!   So funny! He is so happy even though Shirley is chewing him.  Chief is not good with any other dogs but he loves his little sister Shirley.  Shirley takes Chief's toys all the time but he doesn't do anything.  He is very patient.  He is really a great big brother ♥♥♥  Good to have brother and sister!  




NOOO!!! Mama's lap is mine!!!