Day 77 of San Francisco Shelter in Life

It's Day 77 of San Francisco Shelter in Place order.  There are more news about protest and riots than COVID-19 now.  San Francisco had a curfew yesterday again.  I heard many gunshots from home last night and many shops were closed because of looters.  I feel more unease than COVID-19 now.  The majority of protests were peaceful and most of the protesters and the Floyd family are not wishing any more violence.  It's so heartbreaking to see all the news only focusing on looters.  


all races should be equal

This tragedy happened because of racism and powerism.  Although I live in San Francisco where lots of Asians live, I experienced racism more than once.  I ignore it for the most part but I have to say those experiences do build up inside of me.  I can't find the best words to discribe this issue so I tend to fall silent.  But, it doesn't mean I don't care or I don't feel injustice for what is happening.  This tragedy triggered all people who have so much built up inside.  Those feelings and experiences led to the protest and violence.  The violence is however, wrong.  We want to be going forward not backward.

Black lives matter.  I pray for George Floyd and people who lost lives during the riots.  




Stay home at night! Please be safe!