Day 55 of San Francisco Shelter in Life

It's Day 55 of Shelter in Place order.  I am watching NetFlix more and more everyday.  Every time I sit on the sofa, Bambi (Chihuahua) sits on my lap.  She does that almost automatically but she warms my heart right up every time!  Too precious 💛  I find myself watching her more than the screen all the time.  So I could never watch something with subtitles.  


lap pup Bambi

Bambi sleeps most of the time but she is very entertaining even when she is sleeping.  She talks, snores, makes all kind of funny noises and even runs while she is sleeping.  I can never get tired of watching her.  I can touch, kiss, smell and feel her warmth, too... So, any great NetFlix shows can't beat her.  4D is always better than 2D after all.

Yukiko Bambi on Instagram: “Synchronizing 😁😁😁 #chihuahua #silkyterrier #sfwalk #instadog #dogsofinstagram #dog #チワワ #シルキーテリア #いぬ #インスタチワワ #お散歩 #サンフランシスコ”

Today's Bambi walk ↑。Perfectly sychronized with Ellie!  So funny!  Life with pups is always lots of laughs.  

Speaking of NetFlix... I wonder why there are not many Japanese tv/movies available for us (in US).  There are so many Korean's shows but most of Japanese ones are anime and not many other choices.   I could watch more Japanese ones for sure right now!  




No chance NetFlix! Bambi is always the star of mama's shows 💛

Day 54 of San Francisco Shelter in Life and Mother's Day

It's Day 54 of San Francisco Shelter in Place order and also Mother's Day!  Bambi (my Chihuahua) came to our lives 12 years ago on Mother's Day... so it's a very special day for me.  When I first met her, I just couldn't let her go.  She was unbelievably tiny and cute.  She chose me as her mom right away...on the way home in the car, she just stared at me and gave me tons of kisses all the way home.  She was not interested in looking out the car window or anything except me! We bonded since day1... I love her more and more everyday.  


happy mother's day and adoptsary day 💛

Due to "stay-home" order, lots of people couldn't be with their mom today.  I am one of them but my mom is in Japan (and I live in San Francisco) so it was not unusual for me.  I was very grateful that I was able to video chat with my mom this year.  She was in ICU and now moved to a regular room but she couldn't talk for about 1.5 months due to her conditions.  For the first time in last 1.5 months, I was actually able to talk to her!  It was touching and made me so happy.  It turned out to be a really great mother's day after all.  I hope everyone could connect with their mom today one way or another.

Yukiko Bambi on Instagram: “HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all furry and non furry babies moms 🌹🌹🌹 #chihuahua #happymothersday #babybambi #instadog #dogsofinstagram #dog #チワワ …”

This is Bambi's baby photo ↑ Wasn't she the cutest???  She changed color over the years from dark brown to light brown.

Yukiko Bambi on Instagram: “Night night sweet baby girl 💤💕💤💕 #chihuahua #nightnight #instadog #dogsofinstagram #dog #チワワ #いぬ #インスタチワワ #おやすみ #サンフランシスコ”

This is her picture now ↑ I still tell her everyday that she is the cutest girl in the whole world.  I know I am biased.  I am her proud mom!  Bambi...thank you for coming into our lives and making us so happy everyday.  




Bambi is mama's forever baby 💛



Day 53 of San Francisco Shelter in Life

It's Day 53 of San Francisco Shelter in Place order.  I started my day with Skye (cattledog mix) morning walk today but it was the last one for this time around.  Yes!  Skye's parents and her new baby sister will be home.  (Skye Day and Skye Day2   ←here is my link) Congratulations!!! This is by far the best news this year.  I am so happy for them.  One thing I learned from this pandemic, family is the most important thing.  


Happy Birthday 💛

I can imagine how Skye will be happy to reunite with her family and new baby sister ♥♥♥  It was so much fun spending time with Skye and doodling a baby for change!  

I posted a baby picture on my Instagram: bambiandyukiko

Yukiko Bambi on Instagram: “❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ #cattledogmix #sfwalk #instadog #dogsofinstagram #dog #ケトルドッグミックス #いぬ #インスタドッグ #お散歩 #サンフランシスコ”

 Have fun staying home with your loved one and family!  Have a great weekend~!




Skye is a big sister now!


Day 52 of San Francisco Shelter in Life & Skye Day2 💛

It's Day 52 of San Francisco Shelter in Place order.  It's also day 2 of Skye day!  Skye's little baby sister doesn't want to come out to the world (Who can she blame?  It's crazy out here!) so we get to spend time together once again.  She spent time alone last night, so I was worried and visited her early this morning.  She was just fine and happy to see me as always.  I usually do overnight petsitting but it's a pandemic time and safety for newborn baby...just visits for now.  Skye is already the perfect big sister now!  Bambi skipped the morning walk since she was too tired from yesterday.  She joined midday walk with Skye today and she did great!  


Skye and Bambi 💛

I couldn't imagine that Bambi would walk with a big dog like Skye or any other size doggies for that matter.  So happy to see them walking together!  We always wanted her to have some pup friends so we used to take Bambi to Chihuahua meet-up or dog park.  Bambi was afraid of other pups and she is very tiny even for Chihuahua.  So she often became perfect target even at chihuahua meet-up.  Poor Bambi was attacked by fellow chihuahuas, saluki and labrador (at different occasions).  We were there with her so she didn't get hurt badly but it scared her emotionally.  One step forward and three steps backwards... After I became a petsitter (dog walker) and I got lots of pup friends.  I learned pup's personality and if it felt safe for Bambi, I started introducing them to Bambi.  Bambi is now comfortably walking with them now.  It took years but I am glad I did that.  It's not fun living in fear!

Yukiko Bambi on Instagram: “Morning walk 🐾🐾🐾 #chihuahua #cattledogmix #sfwalk #instadog #dogsofinstagram #dog #チワワ #ケトルドッグミックス #いぬ #インスタチワワ #お散歩 #サンフランシスコ”

Yukiko Bambi on Instagram: “Fuuuun!!! #cattledogmix #sfwalk #instadog #dogsofinstagram #dog #ケトルドッグミックス #いぬ #インスタドッグ #お散歩 #サンフランシスコ”

Special thanks to Skye!  She was very sweet with my old girl Bambi.  We are so lucky to know you Skye!  




I did great!


Day 51 of San Francisco Shelter in Life & Skye Day 💛

It's Day 51 of San Francisco Shelter in Place order.  I'm back on my petsitting (dog walking) job for Skye (cattledog mix) today.  It has been 51 days since my last gig!!!  San Francisco is still under the "stay-home" order and my work is not "essential' job.  So I am not yet back to my work but Skye's mom is having a baby!  While she and her husband are in the hospital, I am going to take care of Skye.  Because of the pandemic time, her husband has to stay with her there whole time.  If he goes back home, he won't be able to come back to the hospital.  It's all for the new safe procedures for pandemic time.  She must be excited and also worried giving birth to her first baby during this strange time.  I can't imagine how she is feeling right now...but I know for sure she will be great mama since she is already great mama for Skye 💛


Happy happy happy to see Skye

Skye is super happy to see me today.  So many huggies and kisses.  Sweet girl!!!  I missed her so much.  She will be the perfect sweet big sister to her new baby girl.  I missed all this..  How rewarding my job is... I miss working with doggies and kitties everyday.  I am not sure how it will affect my jobs after this pandemic though...

Yukiko Bambi on Instagram: “Good morning Skye ❤️❤️❤️ #cattledogmix #sfwalk #instadog #dogsofinstagram #dog #ケトルドッグミックス #いぬ #インスタドッグ #お散歩 #サンフランシスコ”

Yukiko Bambi on Instagram: “Fun fun fun 🐾🐾🐾 #cattledogmix #sfwalk #instadog #dogsofinstagram #dog #ケトルドッグミックス #いぬ #インスタドッグ #お散歩 #サンフランシスコ”

It was a Skye day.  I enjoyed spending time with her and Bambi walked twice today with Skye.  Bambi was too tired to join the third walk but she did great and I'm proud of her.  Thank you Skye for being nice to little old Bambi ♥♥♥




I helped mama today!



Day 50 of San Francisco Shelter in Life

It's Day 50 of San Francisco Shelter in Place order.  Lately, I am having vivid dreams.  Even after I woke up, I couldn't shake it off... unfortunately, they are really sad or terribly shocking dreams.  I told Bambi's papa about that, he said that he is having vivid dreams, too!


vivid dreams

I can't share about my dreams here because it's too sad or too shocking to write.  But, I remember vividly even the one from a week ago.  It's really strange and weird.  If I wake up in the middle of the night, I am too scared to go back to sleep.  I didn't know that this is happening to lots of people and even have a name "pandemic dreams" on social media.

Yukiko Bambi on Instagram: “I LOVE her too much 😍🥰😍🥰 #chihuahua #toocute #instadog #dogsofinstagram #dog #チワワ #いぬ #インスタチワワ #かわいすぎる #サンフランシスコ”

I know Bambi is having her dreams when she is sleeping.  She talks and kicks her legs while she is snoring away!  So so cute ♥♥♥  She is always smiling while she is asleep, so I know that she is having HAPPY dreams!




Sweet dreams mama 💛


Day 49 of San Francisco Shelter in Life ★ Cinco de Mayo

Day 49 of San Francisco Shelter in Place order.  It's Children's Day (Japanese Holiday) and of course, Cinco de Mayo!!!  It's getting hard to track of what date or days of the week it is during stay-home life.  But, celebrating day like Cinco de Mayo at home cheers me up ⤴ 


Cinco de Mayo

My baby Bambi's ancestors are from Mexico.  So it's so appropreate for her to celebrate this holiday!  My image of Mexico is ...very cheerful and warm.  The fact that the amazing Chihuahua breed was born there made Mexico one of my favorite countries!  We will have Mexican food at home today.  She will be the star of the day as always!  


Children's Day

May 5th is also Children's Day.  It's a Japanese National Holiday.  It used to be considered as "boy's day" so I don't have many memories celebrating this particular holiday.  But, it's now for all genders and basically celebrating children's personality and their happiness.  I think everyday is children's day at my sister's house and my house (in my case, for four legged kid) though ♥♥♥  Many houses put Carp Kites up this time of year in Japan.  We need the strength and courage like carp now more than ever!

Yukiko Bambi on Instagram: “Happy Cinco de Mayo from Bambi 🌮🌮🌮 #chihuahua #happycincodemayo🇲🇽 #instadog #dogsofinstagram #dog #チワワ #いぬ #インスタチワワ #シンコデマヨ #サンフランシスコ”

Yukiko Bambi on Instagram: “Bambi is ready for party 🍸🍸🍸 #chihuahua #cincodemayo #instadog #dogsofinstagram #dog #チワワ #いぬ #インスタチワワ #シンコデマヨ #サンフランシスコ”

Either Children's Day or Cinco de Mayo... it's a great holiday.  I enjoyed doodling both holidays for Bambi.  Perfect therapy because I can escape any worries while I am doodling!  




I'll take a Margarita, Taco and "Kashiwa-mochi" for my dessert!