Day 72 of San Francisoc Shelter in Life

It's Day 72 of San Francisco Shelter in Place order.  When I am at home, I often feel that someone is looking at me.  During the day time, only Bambi and I are home.  So, of course, the watcher is Bambi ♡  Bambi is always sleeping but sometimes I feel something.  No wonder!  She is looking at me intensely.  She surprises me sometimes since she was in deep sleep 10 seconds ago and she is watching me so intensely!  



I don't know what is so interesting about me... but she has been looking at me all the time since she was a puppy.  It's been 12 years.  She doesn't seem to get tired of it.  I also watch her all the time while she is sleeping, too.  I guess we are the same.

See?  Whenever I look at her...she is always watching me. ↑  She is too cute!!!  My cutest stalker ever ♡  

日本語でもぶろぐ書いています。 リンクはここ!



Mama is my stalker!